MFMG Strategic Plan and Annual Report
MacKillop Farm Management Group - Strategic Plan
July 2020-June 2025
MacKillop Farm Management Group’s vision is for sustainable farming through the adoption of research and innovation.
MacKillop Farm Management Group collaborates to deliver research and drive adoption for the benefit of members and the broadacre cropping and livestock industry across the Limestone Coast, western Victoria and beyond.
Prosperity through collaboration
MacKillop Farm Management Group is:
- Collaborative
- Professional
- Progressive
Who do we represent?
- Dryland cropping farmers
- Irrigated cropping farmers
- Livestock farmers
What geographical area do we represent?
Our membership area extends from Sherwood in the north to Mt Gambier in the south, and Goroke in the east to Meningie in the west.
- Deliver innovative extension to drive adoption of research outcomes in the Limestone Coast and western Victoria
- Identify priorities for research and the facilitation of research in the Limestone Coast and western Victoria
- Operate as a professional and financially viable organisation
Download MFMG Strategic Plan July 2020 - June 2025.
Download the 2024 MFMG Annual Report.