Why be a MacKillop Farm Management Group member?
Our membership base covers farming businesses from Sherwood in the north to Millicent in the south, Goroke in the East and Mount Benson in the West. We currently have over 400 primary producer, agribusiness and sponsor members from right across the Limestone Coast.
As a member you will receive:
Receive fortnightly short updates on our activities and other agricultural information in the region, as well as twice-yearly newsletters with results from ongoing trials and projects
Event Notifications & Discounts
Receive information on any upcoming events being held via email and text, and receive member-only discounts to attend all MFMG events
Trial Results
Receive online access to our Annual Trial Results Book.
R&D Updates
Receive updates on trials and research being held in the Limestone Coast
Have the opportunity to network with other like minded people
Have the opportunity to be involved with and have input into trials and research in our region
Member Content
Access to exclusive member-only content, including our trial results and resources from experts.
Member Discounts
Receive discounts on tickets to all MFMG events