Fresh faces for MacKillop Farm Management Group
13th November 2024
MacKillop Farm Management Group welcomed several new faces to both the Board and the Operations Committee at their Annual General Meeting held in Coonawarra last week.
Bool Lagoon based primary producer Scott Harlock was voted onto the MFMG Board having served several years on the Operations Committee. The Board thanked long-serving member Bool Lagoon’s Neil Teate who stepped down. Neil has served on the Board with several stints over many years, most recently since 2020. Continuing Board members are Hamish Watson, Brett Gilbertson, Jeremy Lush, Chris Moyle, Dean Eastwood and Adrain Carter.
The MFMG Operations Committee identifies cropping, soils, livestock and pastures research and extension opportunities and for 2024-2025 includes continuing Primary Producer representatives: Tim Williams from Conmurra, Hugh Teate from Bool Lagoon, Robbie Childs (Chair) from Kalangadoo, Tara Hindson from Frances and James Pitchford from Keith. Also joining the MFMG Operations Committee are early career primary producers Penola-based Claire Koch and Naracoorte’s Mitchell Ludwig. Since graduating from Marcus Oldham Agricultural College Claire has recently formed an agricultural contracting business servicing a range of clients in the Limestone Coast. A recent graduate of Longerenong College, Mitchell works for Bool Lagoon grain and seed producer Bruce McLean.
Agricultural Specialists Megan Willis and Nathaniel Modra were voted onto the Operations Committee in the positions of Livestock and Agribusiness representatives respectively.
Megan is a Research Officer with SARDI at the Struan Research Centre. She is currently working on a number of projects relating to the use of virtual fencing in sheep and cattle, grazing management, and lamb survival. Megan’s addition to the MFMG Operations Committee will strengthen the livestock research capability in the Limestone Coast by allowing greater connection between producers, industry groups, and research organisations at a local level.
Nathaniel is an Agribusiness Consultant for Pinion Advisory within the Farm Business Management Team. As well as farming at Western Flat, Nathaniel brings a wealth of practical knowledge in both primary production business drivers and project management to MFMG.
Continuing specialist Ops Committee members are Aston Barr, Adrian Carter, Jason McClure, Michael McGurk, Amanda Pearce and Michael Wilkes.
MFMG, Chair Brett Gilbertson thanked Ops Committee members David Makin and Rodney Bartlett who are stepping down after serving the group since 2016, along with Specialist member Nathan Tink who has also retired.
Following the AGM more than thirty MFMG members, ag specialists and sponsors attended a casual dinner at Katnook Estate’s ‘The Stables’ and heard from Nutrien Ag’s Todd Price on ‘Why we should care about carbon’.
Access the 2024 AGM Minutes and the 2024 MFMG Annual Report. (Members will need to login to the Members Page to access).