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Set your stock strategies for Summer
Dec 05

Set your stock strategies for Summer

Registrations Closed
Date & Time
5 December 2023 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
(UTC+10:30) Australia/Adelaide

Registrations Are Closed

Set your stock strategies for Summer and BBQ

Tuesday 5 December 2023, 2pm to 5pm

Lucindale Bowling Club

Come for the workshop and stay for the BBQ or just come for the BBQ.


Workshop - Free 

With lower livestock sale prices and forecasted drier times this workshop focuses on managing risk and developing strategies going forward including:

  • Seasonal conditions and making decisions
  • Trigger points to determine if and when to containment feed
  • Forecasting of ration costs
  • Producer top tips 


Red Meat Connects MFMG BBQ - Free

Come along for a great BBQ, catch up with mates, make new connections and celebrate the exceptional products provided by livestock producers, following the Set your stock strategies for Summer workshop.


Both the Workshop and BBQ are FREE to attend, to ensure we provide enough seats and food, please register to attend.

Workshop Presenter: Deb Scammell

Deb Scammell is a livestock consultant at Talking Livestock, she assists producers with nutrition and production planning in their sheep and beef enterprises. She consults directly to farmers and runs industry courses and projects. Deb is based in Sevenhill in the Clare Valley. 

Prior to starting her own business, Talking Livestock, Deb worked in the commercial nutrition space in several different roles covering technical, sales and national management. Deb has also been involved with sheep genetic programs and DNA, EID technology and extension and sheep research. 

Deb graduated from Adelaide University with a Bachelor of Agricultural science with honours in Animal science and has studied ruminant nutrition post-graduation. 

Deb photo2


Please bring the following:

  • Pen and notebook - so you don't miss any critical information



SA Drought Hub Partner for flyers



Set your stock strategies for summer


Download More Information
Event Location
Lucindale Bowling Club
Bowling Club Road
Lucindale SA 5272

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