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Visualising Australasia's SoilsDate:
Project code: PJA 2.3.002 Project manager: MFMG Team Project duration: October 2023 to May 2024 About the projectVisualising Australasia’s Soils (VAS) aims to provide participants of the Cooperative Research Centre for High Performance Soils (Soil CRC ) with access to considerable volumes of reliable quality soil data sourced from a federation of soil data custodians who share their data according to the rules they set. CeRDI is the lead partner on the project, which comprises two phases. The first phase of the project (2018-2021) culminated in the successful development a cloud based, research data federation for soils, with spatial mapping guidelines. The second phase of the project commenced in July 2021 and will expand VAS to enable full data sharing, data access and usage for Soil CRC participants. Project activitiesPhase two will support the uptake of VAS by project participants, especially the farming groups in the Soil CRC by demonstrating benefits of the portal. The goal is to co-create an enduring component of an Australasian soils knowledge system that is self-sustaining and inherently useful for research and education. Three aims are associated with this second phase of VAS:
This project is funded by:VAS is a Soil CRC initiative.
Project ResourcesVisualising Australasia's Soils - MFMG Seasonal Newsletter Summer 2023 /2024 |