Project code: MFM-0452-R
Project manager: Amanda Pearce
Project duration: July 2022 to August 2024
About the project
The project will:
- Identify agronomic tactics and insecticide regimes to minimise the incidence of BYDV in selected wheat varieties in the HRZ.
- Evaluate the value of BYDV tolerance in HRZ wheat crops using BYDV tolerant and non-tolerant cultivars.
- Monitor the effectiveness of insecticides, seed dressings and in-crop applications, and timings in managing BYDV in selected wheat varieties.
- Determine differences in wheat grain yields and quality with different agronomic tactics and insecticide regimes.
MFMG members will:
- Understand which wheat varieties and times of sowing reduce the risk of BYDV.
- Understand which combinations of seed treatments and in-crop insecticide applications reduce the risk of BYDV in selected wheat varieties.
Trials will be located at Conmurra in the Limestone Coast (LC), subject to MFMG committee input. One time of sowing (TOS) will be evaluated. Seeding will occur in mid-May (the traditional TOS for this area).
Six wheat cultivars will be evaluated. Cultivars consistent between sites will likely be (varieties will be finalised with project team and relevant committees from MFMG and MNRHZ):
- Manning (BYDV tolerant);
- DS Bennett (BYDV tolerant);
- LRPB Trojan;
- Rockstar;
- RGT Accroc; and
- Anapurna
Final decisions on varieties will be made prior to sowing by MFMG’s committee. If the new variety RAGT Wolverine becomes available in Australia, it will be substituted for one of the other varieties as appropriate, determined by MFMG’s committee and the project team. If RAGT Wolverine cannot be obtained, it may be substituted for Mackellar which has partial resistance and tolerance to Russian Wheat Aphid and BYDV.
A minimum of four different insecticide treatments will be applied. This will include:
- An un-treated control;
- A seed treatment only; and
- A mix of seed treatment and in-crop sprays.
GS21 and GS31 will be key application timings. A spray in-between these timings (when seed dressing effectiveness decreases) will be evaluated. The final treatments will be confirmed with input from the project team and consultation with MFMG’s committee.
The trial design will be split plot with management as the main plot and cultivar as the sub plot. There will be three replicates. Trials will be managed with standard nutrition and fungicide for each region.
Aphids with BYDV will be bred specifically to use in the trial, to ensure that BYDV infection occurs. Due to the timing of sowing and the lead time required for aphid breeding, the number of treatments applied in 2022 will be reduced. The number of treatments will be expanded in 2023, with sufficient lead time for aphid breeding and distribution to occur.