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Post weaning management strategies for beef herdsDate:
Project code: L.PDS.1908 Project manager: Jo Ward Project duration: December 2019 to June 2024 About the projectThis project aims to quantify the cost benefit of different post weaning management systems for cattle in the Limestone Coast of South Australia and the Western District of Victoria to maintain adequate growth rates to reach production targets in steers and heifers. ObjectivesBy August 2022, the project will:
ProgressAutumn and some spring calving beef herds in southern Australia fail to maintain adequate growth rates of calves from weaning to the autumn break, resulting in a stagnation of growth for up to 6 months of the year. This has an impact on producers’ profitability, as cattle are held for longer, consume more feed and are sold at a time when supply is at its highest and prices are often at their lowest. A PDS project being managed by MacKillop Farm Management Group (MFMG) in the Limestone Coast region of South Australia and in western Victoria is investigating different post-weaning management systems to improve post-weaning growth rates prior to selling or joining and heifer conception rates. Initial data collected for this project indicates that weaning method, weaning age, weaning weight and post-weaning management strategies varies substantially among producers. Cost benefit comparisons between different weaner management strategies are being discussed with producers, with results motivating some producers to plan different strategies going forward to determine the most effective approaches. This project is funded by:
This project is delivered in partnership with:Rural Solutions Thomas Elder Consulting Jo Ward
Project resources:Handling Weaners for Better Productivity - MFMG Seasonal Newsletter Summer 2022 / 2023 Producer Demonstration Site website