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Improved soil water data decisions across the South East cropping region

By MFMG Admin


Project code: MFM218

Project manager: Felicity Turner

Project duration: January 2018 to January 2021

About the project

This project will allow Limestone Coast grain growers to access real-time soil moisture data through a website that will automatically pull together the information currently provided by the MacKillop Farm Management Group (MFMG) moisture probe and weather station network in the Upper South East (USE). It will also extend the network into the Lower South East (LSE) 
The development of a better information delivery system (a combined website page and email newsletter), will make the most of existing technologies, allowing Limestone Coast grain growers to log into their local soil moisture probe and weather station to make more informed decisions about crop nutrient management, and/or weed or disease control applications.  
Project Objectives
  • To develop and provide a more consistent soil water reporting system across the South East to assist in more accurate crop management decisions for farmers and industry. 
  • To better utilise the existing moisture probe and weather station infrastructure that MFMG currently owns and operates.
  • To calculate PAW and other key crop management indicators by monitoring soil moisture, associated climate data, and crop performance monthly at each site over 2 seasons. 
  • To develop fact sheets and a short 3-minute film on interpreting information from the soil moisture monitoring sites, understanding the information and associated graphs derived from the downloaded data.

This project is funded by:

SAGIT logo 2


This project is delivered in partnership with:

Alpha Group Consulting


Project resources:

2021_Soil Moisture Probe _Fact Sheet

2021_MFMG Soil Moisture Probe Hatherleigh_Presentation

2021_MFMG Soil Moisture Probe Keith_Presentation

2019_MFMG Soil Moisture Probes - September_Report