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Good clover bad cloverDate:
Project code: L.PDS.1706 Project manager: Tiffany Bennett Project duration: March 2017 to January 2020 About the projectOestrogenic clover is thought by many to be an issue of the past, but a joint project under MLA’s Producer Demonstration Site program with the MacKillop Farm Management Group and Ag KI is proving otherwise. This project involves visual assessments and laboratory tests of 25 paddocks from 10 properties across the Limestone Coast region of SA and on Kangaroo Island. The ‘Good clover bad clover’ project has focused on increasing producer awareness of the issues encountered with oestrogenic clovers, developing skills in ‘bad’ clover identification and implement strategies to overcome issues. Two focus farms were established to be centres for the upskilling of other producers. These were Richard Kirkland’s at Furner in the South East, and Simon Veitch’s property on Kangaroo Island. This project is funded by:
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Project resourcesGood Clover Bad Clover Project Summary Good Clover Bad Clover Case Study Good Clover Bad Clover - Fry Family Farms Case Study Good Clover Bad Clover - Oestrogenic Clover Fact Sheet Good Clover Bad Clover - Oestrogenic Clover Identification Fact Sheet