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Drought Resilience Practices in Mixed Farming Systems

By MFMG Admin

Project code: DNX_22-07 

Project manager: The University of Adelaide

Project duration: April 2022 to June 2023

About the project

This project will fast-track direct support to cropping and livestock farmers across three states (Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania) in the management of pastures and use of livestock containment and feeding systems for drought resilience. The project demonstrations, activities and outputs will lead to improved farm decision making and improved environmental condition in preserving soil cover and livestock welfare and nutrition in periods leading into, during and post drought.

This tri-State cross-Hub project supports farming systems adaptation to drought and addresses a COMMON and PRIORITY drought resilience issue for farmers, as identified in the regional consultations in Victoria (Victoria Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub, 2022); South Australia (South Australian Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub, 2021) and Tasmania (Tasmania Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub, 2021). The project has been crafted to produce tangible tools and practices farmers can adopt, demonstrating a positive and practical response to their needs and harnessing the expertise and innovative approaches from collaborating Hubs.

Project Activities

  1. Most appropriate containment feeding approaches 
  2. Trigger points to make decisions 
  3. Real time information and tools 
  4. More drought tolerant rotation options

This project is funded by:

This project received funding from the Australian Government's Future Drought Fund

SA Drought Hub Logo for A4 flyers_FA_02_no funding statement


Project Resources:

2024_MFMG Winter Seasonal newsletter_Livestock Management Strategies and learnings from the current season

2023_Virtual farm tour South Killanoola - Stock Containment

2023_Virtual farm tour Bellamour - Stock Containment

2023_Stock containment and decision making with Rodney Lush and Cam Nicholson - The Prosperous Farmer Podcast

2023_Sheep Nutrition for Improved Performance Jess Revell - Presentation

2023_Heat Stress in Sheep University of Adelaide - Presentation