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Carbon without the JargonDate:
Project code: Not applicable Project manager: MFMG Team Project duration: July 2022 to June 2023 About the project.In collaboration with the Grassland Society of Southern Australia (GSSA), the project aims to deliver information about carbon and ‘carbon farming’ from sector experts, to ensure that land managers are aware of tools and information available to them to assist in decision making and adaptation of agricultural businesses in a changing climate. The incorporation of an on-ground workshop component at a local farm will provide local insight and practical integration, as well as encouraging land managers to share knowledge and experience. This project is funded by:This project is supported by the Limestone Coast Landscape Board, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.
Project resources:2023_Carbon without the jargon with Sam Bye and Cam Nicholson - The Prosperous Farmer Podcast 2023_Carbon without the jargon Cam Nicholson presentation 1 2023_Carbon without the jargon Cam Nicholson presentation 2 2023_Carbon without the jargon Sam Bye presentation 2023_Carbon without the jargon Mel Fraser presentation