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Adapting to Change - helping farmers adapt to variable climates and markets in the Limestone Coast

By MFMG Admin

Project code: No Code

Project manager: MFMG Team 

Project duration: July 2021 to June 2022

About the project

To deliver education and capacity building to farmers – at a livestock field day, crop walks, and via communication products/tools – to assist them in adapting to variable climates and markets in the Limestone Coast region. 

Outcomes:  Specific and expert education and capacity building – for farmers attending MacKillop Farm Management Group scheduled crop walks and field days – about adapting to climate and market change, to assist them in being more climate-change ready in their future decision making.  Land managers who would not normally attend events solely devoted to these topics will be targeted – resulting in climate change communication and education of hard-to-reach segments of the land manager community.  In addition, a podcast and a video devoted to climate and market change adaptation for farming enterprises will be produced.


Project resources:

Climate and market adaptation in farming enterprises in the Limestone Coast - video

Driving farm productivity and profitability with John Francis - The Prosperous Farmer Podcast


This project is funded by:

This project is supported by the Limestone Coast Landscape Board, through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.